bowing to a teacher

Back in 2006 I learned the rudiments of ‘being with a dying person’ as a student of Frank Ostaseski*. During that year I developed what my cohort called my ‘weeping practice’. Deep-seated trauma and stored-up losses came to the fore and began to crack open the carapace of my heart. That process continues to this day.

His book The five invitations: Discovering what death can teach us about living distills what Bill Moyers calls “a compassionate shepherd’s lifelong experience with death and dying”. Frank writes,

“Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road. Death is always with us, in the marrow of every passing moment. She is the secret teacher hiding in plain sight, helping us to discover what matters most.”

*at the Metta Institute in San Francisco

2023-09-11T22:11:54-07:00September 10th, 2023|3 Comments


  1. Brenda Miller 11 September 2023 at 08:03 - Reply

    Fantastic video. Thank you.

  2. Pam 11 September 2023 at 08:13 - Reply

    Wonderfully inspiring.learning from his presence Peter must have been so affirming . Thank you for sharing his deep wisdom and holy silences.

  3. Alayne Sewell 27 September 2023 at 20:44 - Reply

    Peter, I am always grateful for your kindness. I have been busy with other life activities this past week and instead of zooming on Sunday and Wednesday I listened to your recorded guided meditations. ❤️ Thank YOU. And I listened to Frank Ostasecki. I won’t wait 😁😁 Love it is!

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