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100% vegan. No charge.

Check out guided meditation, live by zoom. Click here.

I bow in gratitude to all who have taught me.

Boundless blessings.


Listen to these recordings on any device.

100% organic.

No charge.

Boundless blessings.

I also offer free guided meditation by zoom. Click here


I’m currently refreshing this page. Feel free to listen to and download any of the recordings below. Visit again to see what’s new. Thank you.


Sit on a solid chair. Avoid a bed or recliner lest you fall asleep. Place bare feet flat on the floor. Wedge a firm cushion in your lower back to support an upright and relaxed posture. Let your hands rest comfortably. Allow your eyes to close fully or partially. Note: If you wish to sit on a meditation cushion, look for guidance online or ask an experienced meditator. Standing upright or lying face-up on a firm surface are two more ways to meditate.


EVERY TIME WE SIT it’s for the first time 

Beginning instructions / 10 min



Getting started / 15 min

Sit or lie down . . . and open your awareness to the sounds of nature. As the mind wanders (as it will, naturally), return your attention to the next sound, again and again. You’re learning to be present in every moment. Note: This 2-hour recording ends when the last bird goes to bed. You can stop at any time. BTW: not a bad meditation to simply relax and/or fall asleep.



Hello hands  / 10 min

Just sitting / 12 min

Hello body / 14 min

Healing meditation / 21 min



Hello breath / 11 min

Concentrate on the in-breath / 15 min

In-breath, out-breath, turning point / 13 min

Savour the end of the out-breath / 10 min



Silent meditation with opening & closing bell — and few words from me / 17 min

Welcome everything / 15 min

Just sitting / 15 min

Sit or lie down and … open your awareness to sounds / This “Great Compassion Chant” was recorded at Plum Village, “In memory of our beloved teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh” / 22 min


I’m currently refreshing this page (Aug – Oct 2022) . . . feel free to listen to and download any of the recordings below . . . and visit again to see what’s NEW. Thank you.


Sit on a solid chair. Avoid a bed or recliner lest you fall asleep. Place bare feet flat on the floor. Wedge a firm cushion in your lower back to support an upright and relaxed posture. Let your hands rest comfortably. Allow your eyes to close fully or partially. Note: If you wish to sit on a meditation cushion, look for guidance online or ask an experienced meditator. Standing upright or lying face-up on a firm surface are two more ways to meditate.


EVERY TIME WE SIT it’s for the first time 

Beginning instructions / 10 min



Getting started / 15 min

Sit or lie down . . . and open your awareness to the sounds of nature. As the mind wanders (as it will, naturally), return your attention to the next sound, again and again. You’re learning to be present in every moment. Note: This 2-hour recording ends when the last bird goes to bed. You can stop at any time. BTW: not a bad meditation to simply relax and/or fall asleep.



Hello hands  / 10 min

Just sitting / 12 min

Hello body / 14 min

Healing meditation / 21 min



Hello breath / 11 min

Concentrate on the in-breath / 15 min

In-breath, out-breath, turning point / 13 min

There’s a pause between breaths / 18 min

Savour the end of the out-breath / 10 min



Silent meditation with opening & closing bell — and few words from me / 17 min

Welcome everything / 15 min

Just sitting / 15 min

Sit or lie down and … open your awareness to sounds / This “Great Compassion Chant” was recorded at Plum Village, “In memory of our beloved teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh” / 22 min



I’m working my way through your meditations, taking time not to rush. Each one serves me for a couple of weeks and I find that I’m coming back to the two or three that suit me. Thank you, Peter, for your service.

– Roberto in Space

I’m a mature student with four children living in Belfast. I did my first exam today and felt very nervous: first law, history tomorrow, and English the next day. I’ve been practicing metta (loving kindness) with your guidance. It made a huge difference today. Thank you so much for taking the time to record these.

– Lara in Belfast

Thank you for this series of mediation. They are helping me achieve a regular practice, something that has eluded me over many years. Wish I was closer to be able to sit with you in person.

– Joyce in Ontario