recorded meditations (April)2024-04-07T17:50:49-07:00

 Listen right here or download as MP3 files to your devices.

They’re neither scripted nor edited — and may contain occasional sounds of my dogs desiring attention.

I’d appreciate your comments and suggestions at onebreath –at-  


#1: A good place to begin  — for all ‘beginners’ (25 min)


#2: Gently noting whatever causes discomfort (23 min) 


#3: Sit like mountain”  and “Welcome everything” (25 min)


#4: Breathing in, breathing out / May I be at peace (24 min)


#5: I calm my body, I calm my mind (15 min). Inspired by Jack Kornfield. (2011). A lamp in the darkness, p.60


#6: Practicing self-compassion in difficult times (24 min)


Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.