practicing in this time of crisis

Excerpt from a talk* given by Chozen Bays, MD, co-abbot of Great Vow Zen Monastery in Oregon, during a 10-day silent retreat (“sesshin”), March 2020.

We’re practicing for those who are dying alone in hospitals, for the doctors who have been working 21 days straight without going home; for nurses collapsing from exhaustion; for those who are frightened and lonely all around the world, for those who have died and are buried in trenches; for those whose bodies are kept in morgues because no one is allowed to congregate for funerals; for those who are panicked because half their life’s savings have been wiped out by the stock market crash.

We’re practicing for those who are anxious, uncertain whether they’ll be able to get their medication or even food; for those who’re buying guns for fear of other coming to take their food; for the homeless who have no water to wash their hands; for the children who are frightened by the adults who are frightened.

We’re practicing for all who cannot practice, those who have no source of spiritual solace or the companionship of a congregation or sangha. This is a time to remember our ancestors and to lean into their arms. Many of our ancestors practiced in terrible times, times of long-lasting wars, famines, epidemics. Ask for their support, not just for us, but for everyone.

In the past I’ve talked about the algebra of suffering. If N is the number of people in the world who’re suffering and we suffer because of that, then we’ve added suffering to the world: N+1. When we’re practicing, at least some of the time: N-1. Each one of us, as we diminish our own personal suffering around our personal fears and dilemmas, is better able to help the world.

We practice in good times to be ready for difficult times. If we’re able to hold our hearts open and minds clear, we’ll be prepared for whatever comes next. Please practice well for yourself and for the whole world.

* My transcription with minor edits

2020-03-22T15:25:56-07:00March 21st, 2020|5 Comments


  1. Jamie Kelley 22 March 2020 at 08:39 - Reply

    Beautiful post. Thank you.

  2. Pam 22 March 2020 at 09:40 - Reply

    Thanks for the reminder about the arms of our ancestors

  3. Elanna 22 March 2020 at 13:36 - Reply

    Good reasons to practice. Thank you Peter.

  4. Anne 23 March 2020 at 08:46 - Reply

    Excellent talk. I listened to the whole thing. The historic context is humbling.
    Thank you for sharing, Peter. Stay well.

  5. Nancy 23 March 2020 at 21:57 - Reply

    Thank you

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