asking for help

Dear friends,

I’m greatful for the many offers of a midnight ride. I accepted the first one that dropped into my mail box. The next time a simlar situation arises, I’ll be a little less less hesitant to ask. 

One of the things I’ve been practicing during the last 10 weeks is to ask for help. Not easy for one who made a life-vow to be of service. No-one told me that I might have to ask for help myself — and that it would be so difficult. 

Until yesterday my name was on a very long waiting list for an MRI to determine the minute details of a spinal stenosis. And then, out of the blue, a phone call this morning, telling me of a time slot very early on Sunday morning. And, the voice told me, better have someone drive you.

Would you be able to do this for me? We’d have to leave from my house* by 0:15 on Sunday, drive to Victoria General Hospital, wait for the 30-40 minute procedure, and go home again. The mission should be accomplished by 2:15am  

Kindly respond to

May your heart be blessed just for considering my request.

* 1140 Grant Street

2018-12-08T15:00:26-08:00December 7th, 2018|3 Comments


  1. Pam 8 December 2018 at 06:52 - Reply

    Peter I am still in Arizona on Sunday but will be sending waves of positive thought your way and know this request will be filled with love.

  2. lana 8 December 2018 at 16:44 - Reply

    That’s fantastic you won’t have to wait so long for your MRI. I hope you also keep asking.

  3. Penny 8 December 2018 at 20:23 - Reply

    Blessings, Peter🙏🙏💕

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